Cathodic Protection
ISO-9001:2015 Certificate no: 10233894
Introduction to Norimax Cathodic Protection Services
Norimax offers the full range of cathodic protection products and services such as sacrifical anodes (aluminium, zinc and magnesium anodes), impressed current equipment (transformer-rectifiers, platinised-titanium anodes, mixed metal oxide anodes, silicon-iron anodes, junction-boxes, electrical cables, bond-boxes, and cadwelds ), DCVG, CIPS, Soil Resistivity Surveys, Current Interruption Tests, Interference Testing, etc.
Norimax corrosion engineers offer cathodic protection engineering design capabilities to perform detailed engineering designs for new and upgrading CP systems for onshore & offshore oil & gas facilities, pipelines, marine facilities, ships, tanks, and bridges.
Norimax provides CP Remote Monitoring with Digitalized Cloud Data Acquisition System through TP-RMU and TRU-RMU installations.
Norimax corrosion engineers are certified NACE Corrosion Specialists, IMM Cathodic Protection Specialists, UK-registered Chartered Engineers, Malaysian-registered Professional Engineers, and UK-registered Chartered Environmentalist.
Norimax manufactures sacrificial aluminium and zinc anodes up to 500 kg (aluminium) and 1000 kg (zinc) in size for offshore oil-rigs and submarine pipelines, and smaller sizes for tanks, jetties, and ships.
Norimax offer turnkey design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of sacrificial and impressed current CP systems
Norimax offers specialist services for design and supply of CP Retrofit systems.

Licenses and approvals
Norimax is licensed by PETRONAS for the supply of sacrificial anodes and cathodic protection systems.
Norimax has been audited and approved by Shell Global Solutions International as anode manufacturer for both shallow water and deepwater cathodic protection systems.
Norimax is recognized by all oil & gas operators in Malaysia as a leading Cathodic Protection Specialist.

What is Corrosion?
The deterioration or degradation of materials , usually metals because of a reaction with its environment.
Codes of standard
BS 7361 Part 1:1991 : Cathodic Protection : Code of Practice for Land and Marine Application
NACE RP – 0169 – 96 : Recommended Practice for Cathodic Protection for Buried Submerged Structures.
NACE RP – 01-76 : Control of Corrosion in Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms Associated With Petroleum Product
AS 2239 : Galvanic (Sacrificial) Anodes for Cathodic Protection
DNV RP B401 : Veritas Offshore Standards Cathodic Protection
CP Criteria
The NACE Standard RP0169-96 Section 6.2 provides a list of criteria for cathodic protection which indicate that adequate cathodic protection has been achieved on the structure. The criteria stated in NACE RP0169-96 is :
A negative cathodic potential of at least 800mV with the cathodic protection applied, this potential is measured with respect to a saturated Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrode contacting the electrolyte.
"This criteria means that the ‘ON’ potential should be -800mV or more negative with respect to Ag/AgCl referene cell."
How does CP work?
All metal surfaces contain anodic and cathodic sites. In the presence of a conductive electrolyte, direct current will flow from the anodic surface (ANODE) to the cathodic surface (CATHODES).
The anodic surface always corrode while the cathodic surface does not corrode.
Cathodic Protection can be achieved by
Galvanic Method (Sacrificial Anodes)
Impressed Current Method
Galvanic Method (Sacrificial Anodes)
Galvanic anode system employs metal alloys more reactive than steel. When these anodic metal alloys (magnesium, aluminium or zinc) are directly and electrically conne cted to the steel (cathode) and submerged (underground or underwater) a D.C current flows from the anode to the cathode.

Sacrificial Aluminium Anode

Sacrificial Aluminium Anode

Sacrificial Zinc Anode
Engineering Design, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Cathodic Protection Systems

How Does an ICCP System Operate?
Unlike the galvanic anode system, ICCP system needs a “current energizer”.
Transformer Rectifiers energizes D.C current from inert anodes to the steel cathode across a conductive electrode.
Remember: C.P cannot work without electrolyte!

ICCP Anode Installation

Cable Marker
ICCP Anode Installation
Cable Laying
Transformer Rectifier
Current Interrupter
Test Post
Reference Cell

For on-shore soil application
Reference Cell For Underwater Application
Other CP Services
Cathodic Protection Survey
Corrosion Investigation
Direct Current Voltage Gradient
Corrosion In Concrete Structures
Close Interval Potential Survey
Corrosion Mapping