Corrosion Monitoring & Risk Based Inspection
Corrosion Monitoring &
Risk Based Inspection
Norimax team of corrosion engineers provide skilled engineering services to conduct corrosion monitoring and corrosion inspection services using corrosion coupons, corrosion probes, and chemical analytical techniques.
Corrosion Monitoring
Offer Retractable & Retrievable, MH and HP access fittings Offer ER and LPR complete with Data Logger or Transmitters.
We are competent to supply materials, testing, commissioning and trouble shooting for corrosion monitoring systems
Coupons after being exposed to corrosive environment

Corrosion Inspection Services
Direct Current Voltage Gradient "DCVG"
Close Interval Potential Survey "CIPS"
Steel Structures Corrosion Monitoring & Inspection
Risk Based Inspection

Strategic Alliances: Setsco Singapore
Intetech Ltd. U.K.
Setsco Singapore